Weight Control

Is Juice the new Pop?

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It amazes me how many Americans believe that juice can be drank in unlimited amounts.  I think all the confusion started with the saying, “eat more fruits and vegetables”…the problem is that most Americans went for just the fruit and then juiced it.  Now, I would personally rather eat my food than drink it, but […]


Are you an athlete?

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There are so many different definitions for the word athlete. A person who participates in an interscholastic, intercollegiate, or intramural athletic activity being conducted by an educational institution, or a professional athletic activity. A person who is involved in athletics (sport), which involves track and field events, long distance, cross-country and road running, and racewalking. A […]


“Coffee’s for closers”

In the movie Glengarry Glen Ross, Alec Baldwin gives a seven minute speech that almost earned him a Oscar.    Here is the clip where Baldwin plays the character Blake: In the clip, Blake stated that, “coffee’s for closers.”   What are great line!  So many individuals want to lose weight, but also want to have many many […]


Over Consumption

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Today, I thought I would bring up a few questions I get asked a lot! Can I eat this?  Is fruit ok?  How much wheat bread is ok? I always respond to these questions the same way…Too much of a good thing is still too much! It is funny to me how many people believe they have […]


Is Your Relationship Making You Fat?

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I remember watching a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit special on TV a while ago,  a model that was interviewed talked about how she didn’t know if she would make the final cut for the upcoming edition.  She said that she was in a new relationship and put on some weight.  Her comment was really interesting to […]