Holiday Healthy

Putting the Tinsle in Your Holidays!

Thumbnail image for Putting the Tinsle in Your Holidays!

Have you seen the target video with the lady on the elliptical?  Watch it: Let me start by saying I don’t get any money from target, but still thought this commercial was worth sharing.  I actaully saw it the other day, while I was walking on the treadmill and started cracking up!  I know […]


Don’t Let Your Candy Consumption Spook You This Halloween!

Thumbnail image for Don’t Let Your Candy Consumption Spook You This Halloween!

With Halloween coming up, many of us are beginning to start our holiday season with all of the sugary, high-calorie treats displayed at home, work, and social events.  As an adult, it is hard to maintain healthy eating habits and proper weight management through New Year’s Day.  It is possible, but the first hurdle you […]