Holiday Healthy

PUMPKIN: More Than Just A Decoration!

Thumbnail image for PUMPKIN: More Than Just A Decoration!

Pumpkins are packed with vitamin A and beta-carotene.   Beta-carotene is a carotenoid and an antioxidant, which is converted to vitamin A in the body.  Pumpkins also supply a good source of vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, iron, magnesium, and potassium; not to mention that every half cup of pure pureed pumpkin provides around 3.6 grams of fiber! Below […]


Halloween Treats That Won’t Haunt Your Waistline

Thumbnail image for Halloween Treats That Won’t Haunt Your Waistline

Halloween is quickly approaching!  Stores are now packing their selves with every treat imaginable, ET can be seen on TV trick-or-treating in a ghost costume and watching your waistline may be a challenge for health conscious individuals and their families. What to hand out to trick-or-treaters, what treats should I take for a work party, and how can I watch my […]


Irish Boiled Dinner

Thumbnail image for Irish Boiled Dinner

Happy almost Saint Patrick’s Day! To celebrate, I made an Irish Boiled Dinner last night.  This dish is traditionally made with corned beef or a smoked “picnic ham” shoulder. My roommate, however, is vegetarian so we each had a soy sausage link with the dish.  You can use this recipe and just add the corned beef or smoked “picnic […]


Opportunity Cost of Holiday Eating

Thumbnail image for Opportunity Cost of Holiday Eating

We should be all aware of one of the main concepts of economics…Opportunity Cost.  This term is defined as, the cost of any activity measured in terms of the value of the best alternative that is not chosen (that is foregone).  Opportunity cost can also be applied to other choices that are not monetary or material […]


Don’t Let Allergies Frighten You This Halloween!

Thumbnail image for Don’t Let Allergies Frighten You This Halloween!

With Halloween coming up, many parents may feel stressed thinking about all the allergen-laden treats that will be given out.  It can be hard around Halloween because part of the celebration revolves around food and treats.   Make a game plan before Halloween to prepare for trick-or-treating, parties, and school events to help relieve stress! Here are a few tips to help […]


Don’t Let Your Weight Snowball…This Winter

Thumbnail image for Don’t Let Your Weight Snowball…This Winter

How many of you have a hard time eating healthy during the holidays?   I Do! Sitting down for holiday meals with my Italian side of the family, I know if you are like me and not shoveling down all the food insight …then something must be WRONG!  “Brookie, are you sick?” you can hear my […]