Sports Nutrition

Endurance Athletes: Ready, Set, Carb-load!

Thumbnail image for Endurance Athletes:  Ready, Set, Carb-load!

Carbohydrates are used at a high rate at the beginning of exercise, since our fat stores can’t be broken down as quickly to make energy (ATP).   Consumption of carbohydrates prior to exercise increases an athlete’s energy stores in the body and helps delay the onset of fatigue.  Sugar (glucose) is stored mainly in the liver and muscles as glycogen.  Glycogen stores get […]


To Gatorade or Not to Gatorade?

Thumbnail image for To Gatorade or Not to Gatorade?

With all the different types of sports drinks on the market, it can be hard to decide whether to choose a sports drink like Gatorade or just grab water to drink. In most cases, water will meet your hydration needs, and sports drinks shouldn’t be taking the place of your regular water intake. Yes, they […]


Top 10 Marathon Nutrition Tips

Thumbnail image for Top 10 Marathon Nutrition Tips

Get excited – the Chicago Marathon is quickly approaching!  Nutrition plays a vital role in every althete’s performance and race outcome.  It is important to practice a few key guidelines to reach your athletic potential on race day.  Here are the top ten nutrition tips you can follow to help you cross the finish line! 10.   Get fueled!  Long […]



Hydration status is very important, especially during the summer!  One great indicator for assessing hydration status is the color of your urine.  I know it may be gross, but one of the best ways to measure the quality and quantity of what you put in your body is to check out what comes out.  The […]


Protein Bar or Candy Bar?

Thumbnail image for Protein Bar or Candy Bar?

Protein is an important nutrient for tissue/muscle building and repair.  Here are the current Protein Recommendations: Daily Reference Intake (DRI) for protein is 0.8 g/kg/day (0.36 g/lb/day) For endurance athletes it is 1.2 to 1.4 g/kg/day For resistance athletes it is around 1.6 to 1.7 g/kg/day The amount of protein we consume and time we consume […]


Crossing the Finish Line with Good Nutrition

Thumbnail image for Crossing the Finish Line with Good Nutrition

With the Chicago Marathon coming up on October 10th, I have been receiving many questions pertaining to adequate nurtition and hydration for endurance events.  Adequate nutrition and hydration before, during, and after a race or physical activity is very important.  It is imperative to begin a race or other types of physical activity well hydrated.  Hydration makes the difference between optimal performance and sub-par performance.  Carbohydrates are stored in the muscle […]