Halloween Treats That Won’t Haunt Your Waistline

by Brooke on October 23, 2012

Post image for Halloween Treats That Won’t Haunt Your Waistline

Halloween is quickly approaching!  Stores are now packing their selves with every treat imaginable, ET can be seen on TV trick-or-treating in a ghost costume and watching your waistline may be a challenge for health conscious individuals and their families. What to hand out to trick-or-treaters, what treats should I take for a work party, and how can I watch my waistline might be a few of the common questions challenging individuals trying to lose weight or maintain their weight this time of year.   Below are a few healthier ideas for your trick-or-treaters and work parties:

Here are a few halloween treats that are good for trick-or-treaters:

  • Fruit Leathers
  • Individual packs of sugarless gum
  • Boxed or packaged dried cranberries, raisins, or dried apricots
  • Candy that is labeled as “fun size” or “mini”
  • Single serving boxes of ready-to-eat cereal (Note:  look for boxes with less than 10 grams of sugar)
  • Lollipops or Jolly Ranchers
  • 100 calorie packages of pretzels, graham crackers or Teddy Grahams
  • Low-fat fig or granola bars
  • Snack-sized bags of popcorn or veggie chips
  • Non-food ideas: play-doh, spider rings, stickers, funny Halloween glasses, bubbles, rub-on or stick-on temporary tattoos, false teeth,  jump ropes, sidewalk chalk, bouncy balls, or cookie cutters

Here are a few treats for your Halloween parties:

1)  Make snack-sized bags of small marshmallows to hand out to co-workers and write on the bags “ghost warts.”

2)  Make a trail mix that includes 3 cups of whole grain cereal (ie Cheerios), 1 cup of candy corn, and 1 cup of unsalted nuts.

3)  Carameled “Apple” Grapes.  Dip individual grapes in carmel first and then dip them into crushed peanuts.  This is a lot smaller than a carmel apple and still makes you feel like you are eating a treat.  Want a detailed recipe check out the Menu Mom’s Caramel Dipped Grapes.

4)  Witch popcorn hands.  Get a non-latex plastic glove.  Add a candy corn to each finger tip to give the look of a finger nail.  Fill the rest of the glove with air-popped popcorn and use a black ribbon to tip the end of the plastic glove shut.

5)  Make a veggie tray in the shape of a pumkin or monster.   Check out Coupon Clipping Cook’s Pumpkin Head Relish Tray!

Here are more Halloween blog posts on healthy party snacks, allergies, and weight maintenance:

(Photo Source)

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