Over Consumption

by Brooke on November 2, 2010

Post image for Over Consumption

Today, I thought I would bring up a few questions I get asked a lot!

Can I eat this?  Is fruit ok?  How much wheat bread is ok?

I always respond to these questions the same way…Too much of a good thing is still too much!

It is funny to me how many people believe they have to avoid certain foods or that they MUST eat this one particular food to stay healthy.  Even if you eat whole wheat bread with “extra fiber”, but you consume five slices in one setting how does that help your body?  Yes, fruit is packed with many vitamins and minerals but consuming more than a portion size is not needed.  Over consumption of even “healthy” food is still over consumption. 

It is sad that we are living in a time where many individuals are not enjoying their food anymore.  We eat too fast.  We eat too much.  We eat in our cars.  We eat in front of the tv (I am guilty of this one too).  All of these actions can lead to over consumption.

Enjoy every bite.  Eat in moderation.  And don’t abuse the “healthy” food either! 

Photo courtesy of jacyjeffreyhowe.

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

bikerly November 2, 2010 at 11:00 am

I’m ashamed to show you the halloween candy wrappers in my garbage ; )

PS my twitter account had a meltdown this weekend and I had to refollow you but I’m back – I think


Brooke November 2, 2010 at 12:21 pm

I am not judging, but maybe you should get rid of the leftovers! If there is any 😉


Lauren Slayton November 4, 2010 at 8:19 pm

Such a good reminder. I feel people are always looking for the food they can overeat rather than looking to eat the right way, the right amount (for them). I was researching for a segment today and found that the Japanese have few reported issues with stevia, while we have a good amount. Why? Because they eat it in small amounts, of course we do not. Love this post, too much is too much.


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