Weight Maintenance


Hello Again, Wishing you and yours a Happy and Healthy New Year!!! I am so sorry it has been a while since my last blog post.  Last year, was a very exciting year for me both professionally and personally!  I got to work with some amazing clients, was given the opportunity to teach more nutrition classes at […]


Working Healthy

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Dreading going into the office on Monday isn’t always about work.  For those individuals trying to watch their waistline and/or eat healthy, trying to avoid all of the donuts, cookies, birthday cakes, and other treats that are constantly starring you in the face can be quite a challenge.  Deadlines, co-workers, and long hours can also play a role in […]


Bringing Back Pee Wee’s Secret Word of the Day!

I think it is time to bring back Pee Wee’s Secret word of the day!  Who doesn’t like a secret word…especially when that word is a healthy one Today’s secret word is VEGETABLE!  I don’t hear this word enough, which probably means most people are not consuming enough of them.  Below is a chart based on the USDA’s MyPlate that shows […]


Don’t Over Gobble This Thanksgivukkah

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In a rare occurrence, Thanksgiving and the first day of Hanukkah both happen to fall on November 28th this year.  This combined holiday will not happen again for another 70,000  plus years.  To celebrate this joyous event many will be with their families and friends finding it very hard not to overindulge in old favorites […]


Spring Into Fitness

This past weekend, it finally started feeling like Spring in Chicago and the streets were packed with active individuals enjoying the fresh air.  Getting in physical activity for weight maintenance or weight loss is a vital part of overall health.  Physical activity recommendations vary depending on the health goal of each individual. The USDA Dietary Guidelines Recommend: […]


5 Tips for Staying Healthy at a Conference

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It can be hard to continue practicing your healthy lifestyle routine at conferences or long meetings.  Often, a lot of things are out of our control.  Most of us don’t normally have control over the lunch menu or daily schedule for example. Here are five basic tips you can use at your next conference to help […]