Weight Loss

Diet Ads From The Past

I found these old ads in the Chicago Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics history files.  It is amusing what kind of crazy diet products were sold in the past.  Check out how soap and flat worms used to be the current fad diets! Lar-Mar Reducing Soap Sanitized Tape Worms  


The New Year’s Cleanse

Over coffee and great conversation with friends this past Saturday, the buzz word of the table seemed to be “cleanse.”   Everyone loves talking about how they are going to go on a cleanse diet or eating plan in the New Year!  Which by the way, I hate the word “cleanse.” Eating healthy is not a “cleanse” that […]


Getting motivated for 2014 with YouTube!

Happy (almost) New Year! I am not a huge fan of making New Year’s Resolutions.  Most are short-lived goals that fade away as quickly as the New Year began.  If you want to see real long-term results, make a behavior change instead!  Making a healthy behavior a daily habit can take up to six months and requires a lot of […]


Don’t Over Gobble This Thanksgivukkah

Thumbnail image for Don’t Over Gobble This Thanksgivukkah

In a rare occurrence, Thanksgiving and the first day of Hanukkah both happen to fall on November 28th this year.  This combined holiday will not happen again for another 70,000  plus years.  To celebrate this joyous event many will be with their families and friends finding it very hard not to overindulge in old favorites […]


You’re Never Too Young To Exercise

We’ve all heard how good exercise is for us. Did you know that statement is true for all ages? You’re never too young to get active, get stronger, and improve your health! If this picture doesn’t get you motivated I don’t know what will!  This lady didn’t wake up today and make an excuse to […]


The Ten I Do’s For Wedding Weight Loss

Thumbnail image for The Ten I Do’s For Wedding Weight Loss

Wedding planning can be a stressful time for any newbie bride or groom. Worrying about the date, venue, flowers, rings, food, etc. is enough to overload anyone’s plate; let alone trying to lose weight for the upcoming big day. Somehow losing weight for your wedding has become something that you hear most brides and grooms […]