Holiday Eating


Thumbnail image for HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!

Well, I had planned to focus on revamping this website and stop writing blog posts until after the holidays.  Then I realized, the holidays are the time I need nutrition reminders the MOST.  So in case any of you are like me and would like to read about how to gracefully navigate the holiday onslaught […]


Don’t Over Gobble This Thanksgivukkah

Thumbnail image for Don’t Over Gobble This Thanksgivukkah

In a rare occurrence, Thanksgiving and the first day of Hanukkah both happen to fall on November 28th this year.  This combined holiday will not happen again for another 70,000  plus years.  To celebrate this joyous event many will be with their families and friends finding it very hard not to overindulge in old favorites […]


Irish Boiled Dinner

Thumbnail image for Irish Boiled Dinner

Happy almost Saint Patrick’s Day! To celebrate, I made an Irish Boiled Dinner last night.  This dish is traditionally made with corned beef or a smoked “picnic ham” shoulder. My roommate, however, is vegetarian so we each had a soy sausage link with the dish.  You can use this recipe and just add the corned beef or smoked “picnic […]


Opportunity Cost of Holiday Eating

Thumbnail image for Opportunity Cost of Holiday Eating

We should be all aware of one of the main concepts of economics…Opportunity Cost.  This term is defined as, the cost of any activity measured in terms of the value of the best alternative that is not chosen (that is foregone).  Opportunity cost can also be applied to other choices that are not monetary or material […]


Don’t Let Your Weight Snowball…This Winter

Thumbnail image for Don’t Let Your Weight Snowball…This Winter

How many of you have a hard time eating healthy during the holidays?   I Do! Sitting down for holiday meals with my Italian side of the family, I know if you are like me and not shoveling down all the food insight …then something must be WRONG!  “Brookie, are you sick?” you can hear my […]