The McDonald’s Monopoly Mistake!

by Brooke on October 26, 2010

Post image for The McDonald’s Monopoly Mistake!

Let me start by saying, yes I have played the McDonald’s Monopoly game…and yes it was a MISTAKE! 

My sister and I, back in high school, would go to McDonald’s almost everyday after basketball practice to play their game.  It was a thrill to super-size everything and see if you won a prize.  We never did win anything, besides maybe a free drink.  But did we really need it?  NO! 

People love games and they will play with their health to win a prize.  Everyone loves the idea of free food and prizes, but at what point do you realize that our bodies our picking up the tab for those meals.  Is your health really worth the prize sticker on a pop?

They call them “Happy Meals”, not “Healthy Meals” for a reason.  You may feel happy for a few brief moments as the sugar high takes over your body, but believe me when you crash you will not feel so happy.  Yes, I understand everything in moderation, but shouldn’t healthier options be promoted? 

One of my girlfriend’s, who is also an amazing Registered Dietitian, called me the other day and told me that she wrote the McDonald’s headquarters to tell them that they should have the Monopoly game based on healthy choices.  WHAT A GREAT IDEA!  McDonald’s would be able to get some positive press and their consumers would still be able to play the dumb game.  Because after all we are suckers for games and prizes! 

Having the game based on choices like low-fat milk, apple slices, salad with light dressing, bottled water, or a small parfait may help consumers learn how to make healthier choices and also teach them to broaden their food horizens. 

How do you think fast food chains should promote healthy options?  Should these games even be allowed?

Photo courtesy of Scorpions and Centaurs.

{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

Lauren Slayton October 26, 2010 at 2:16 pm

I think your healthy monopoly idea is a good compromise. While the incentives for unhealthy food drive me mad, your idea sounds good. I also dream of Whole Foods or someplace similar doing a fun/happy-esque meal that isn’t simply better but really good for us and our kids.


Aimee October 26, 2010 at 6:45 pm

Hi Brooke! Thanks for visiting – and I completely agree with you on the unhappy Happy Meal issue. Nobody really wins but McDonald’s bottom line. Just looking at that photo makes me wrinkle my nose!

And like Lauren, I too dream of what a Whole Foods “Happy Meal” would look and taste like! Someday I am sure I will! :)


Brooke October 29, 2010 at 5:40 pm

Thanks for commenting Aimee and Lauren! However, the population of consumers eating at McDonald’s is most likely not the same population that is going to Whole Foods. We need to target populations that are less educated on healthy choices and prevent them from being taken advantage of!


Diana Hayes October 27, 2010 at 12:24 am

Yes, it would be nice if all the choices gave out a monopoly piece. It always irked me that the small sizes and salads got nothing. It didn’t make me buy a bigger size, it just irked.


Brooke October 29, 2010 at 5:34 pm

I agree Diana! Maybe only the small sizes should give you a game piece to teach proper portion size!


jkl November 22, 2010 at 2:56 pm

they dont even have supersize anymore and the last monopoly game only had like 4 items that had the game


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