New Year’s Resolution: The President’s Challenge

by Brooke on December 27, 2011

Post image for New Year’s Resolution:  The President’s Challenge

Do you remember taking the The President’s Challenge in school growing up?  This physical fitness test was developed in the 1960s to assess the fitness of the American youth.   I could do the flexed-arm hang like it was my job, but could never do a pull-up (at least I don’t remember doing one).  I don’t believe in New Year’s Resolutions, but I thought if I have to make one it will be to do more than one pull-up in a row in 2012.

This school test also got me thinking…if our workplace made us take this test or we made ourselves take this test every year would we be more healthy as a nation?  There is an adult version of the test called The Adult Fitness Test.  On the website, it talks about two different types of fitness.  One type is performance-related and the other type is health-related.  The health-related fitness is said to be

 linked to fitness components that may lower risks such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or low back pain. Health-related physical fitness includes the following components:

  • Aerobic fitness – ability of the heart and lungs to deliver blood to muscles,
  • Muscular strength and endurance – enough to do normal activities easily and protect the low back,
  • Flexibility – ability to move your many joints through their proper range of motion, and
  • Body composition – not too much body fat, especially around the waist.

The Adult Fitness Test assesses those fitness components that may have an affect on chronic health conditions.  What a great way to determine what areas of fitness you need to improve upon. At the site, there is an information booklet and online form that tallies up your score and lets you know how you did.

Did you make your New Year’s Resolution yet?  If not, may I suggest one for you?  Take the adult fitness test!



(Photo Source)

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Dagny December 27, 2011 at 2:42 pm

In the 70s it was “The President’s Council on Physical Fitness” and the slogan was “run, jump, pull up and sit up.” I never passed. Years later I looked it up and discovered you can JUST BUY the certificate and even an impressive medal on a broad ribbon!

I bought them.


Brooke December 30, 2011 at 6:49 pm

Haha…I love it! I hope you have a wonderful New Year Dagny :)


Kristen @ Swanky Dietitian December 29, 2011 at 2:32 am

I love the idea of the adult fitness great! Great idea!
I haven’t made a New Year’s Resolution but it is basically to focus on being healthy and exercising consistently. :)


Brooke December 30, 2011 at 6:48 pm

I am sure you do that year round! Happy New Year Kristen!!!


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