Why ClassPass is Similar to Online Dating

by Brooke on August 5, 2015

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Online dating has really taken off in the past few years.  It is rare to hear a friend say I met a guy called Tim Tomato or a girl called Sally Squash at a party anymore.   Most everything we do now seems to be online…dating, shopping, talking to friends and family, paying bills, and even finding exciting new workouts.  I joined Class Pass a while ago to try out some new gyms in Chicago and couldn’t help but feel like I was online dating!

For starters, you get excited about reviewing all the possible classes you can try out.  You think to yourself, “I can’t get bored” or “I will definitely find the right class for me with all of these options!”  Similar to online dating, you have to make a conscious effort to spend less time looking for that perfect class and more time getting out there and trying them.

I have had so much fun trying out a variety of classes and developing new friendships with the various instructors and fellow ClassPass goers along the way!  There have been a few instances where I have either become good friends with my yoga instructor or developed a comradery with a fellow classmate while we were encouraging each other to run harder or jump higher in class.  However, you can’t help but feel like you are “cheating” on them when you are still being friendly to your other fitness acquaintances as you ClassPass your way around town.

It is easy to be a flake, while using ClassPass.  Flaking, by definition, involves either bailing out of something last minute or lying about having previous plans.  Most everyone has been a flake at some point whether it is in the cyber realm or outside of your computer in the real-world.  If you want to cancel a date you normally make something up.  Flaking on a workout is no different and happens for numerous reasons like being “too tired”, not wanting to go outside in bad weather, nursing a hangover, etc.  Although, unlike online dating if you flake out on your workout you are only hurting yourself.  So, try to prevent that from happening!

Lastly, similar to online dating it is easy to get into a stereotyping rut based on previous experiences or pre-conceived notions.   I always joke with my husband that I would have never found him online, because everything I thought I wanted I searched for and all the traits I thought I wouldn’t like and qualities I didn’t know I wanted I filtered out.  This same theory also applies to ClassPass.  How do you know if something works well for you until you try it out?  It is easy to stay in your comfort zone and always select the spin and kickboxing classes that you know you like, are good at, and get a great workout in.  But did you ever stop to think that maybe you are missing out on something?  You might be a yogi at heart and not even know it!  Well, my point is this, with all these classes at your fingertips don’t be afraid to test out the unknown and most eccentric options out there.  It just may lead to ClassPass bliss.


{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Rachel Spencer December 13, 2015 at 2:20 pm

Nice post Brooke! I haven’t heard about ClassPass, until I your blog.


Brooke December 15, 2015 at 10:12 pm

Hi Rachel, I am glad that you enjoyed reading it. Thank you for leaving a comment!


Samantha Thayer December 29, 2015 at 5:24 pm

Just looked into classpass. One of my goals for next year is to try new fitness classes and workouts, so this looks like a good alternative to getting a gym membership! Thanks for sharing! :)


Brooke December 29, 2015 at 7:51 pm

Hi Samantha, Thank you for leaving a comment! I am glad my post helped you make a new fitness goal for 2016!!


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