Nutrition Pollution

by Brooke on May 24, 2011

Post image for Nutrition Pollution

The pollution is increasing…nutrition pollution that is.  In a world where everyone thinks they are a nutrition expert, it is hard to get sound accurate information anymore, unless you actually go to or get your advice from a Registered Dietitian.   With an increasing number of professionals not educated or licensed giving out nutrition information to the general public, it is becoming more and more difficult to weed through all the nutrition garbage out there! 

It is also becoming a scary situation!  I have seen many clients that were told by a trainer, chiropractor, doctor, friend, etc. to “eat this”, “only eat that”, “purchase these supplements”, etc.  The other day, I had a diabetic client that was told by his chiropractor that he needed to consume a certain shake every day.  And guess what…the chiropractor just happened to be selling the shake for a deal of $200.  One, this shake spiked the client’s blood sugar.  Two, a chiropractor is not a nutrition expert and doesn’t have any idea how to provide sound and safe nutrition advice to clients with specific medical conditions.  Three, if someone is recommending a certain supplement to you that they themselves sell…they are being very unethical and are not looking out for your best interest. 

Also, on a walk the other day, I saw a HCG diet sign on a window with the word nutrition printed right above it on an awning (picture shown above).  Those two words should never be in the same sentence!  This is not a bash a certain profession post at all…these just happen to be two incidences that have occurred in the past week that have come to mind. 

So, I need your help cleaning up this pollution.  Please grab your orange vests and pitch forks and start cleaning up the trash!  To report any complaints about nutrition information that has been given to you by an unauthorized professional please –

Go to the Illinois department of regulations website.  At the home page on the left hand side in the gray area -Select Other Licensed Professional-> on that page scroll down to the bottom to File a Complaint: 

These complaints are easy to fill out and do not require you to submit your name. 


You can send a letter to the: 

Department of Financial and Professional Regulation
Division of Professional Regulation
Complaint Intake Unit
100 West Randolph Street, Suite 9-300
Chicago, IL 60601
Phone: 312/814-6910

Thanks for helping to clean up this nutrition pollution!

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Meredith May 24, 2011 at 2:28 pm

That whole sign scares me! “Detox/Cleanse” AND HCG??? They’re like diet scam keywords! I have never understood the whole “detox” thing…if we have all these “toxins built up inside” then why doesn’t it kill us?? And the whole “cleanse” craze? We’re supposed to believe we have pounds and pounds of impacted STUFF inside us???

There’s so much marketing through fear to sell programs and products and SCAMS!!!


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