Juice, Drugs, and Misconceptions

by Brooke on April 5, 2011

Have you seen this commercial for Zyrtec?  Basically, Zyrtec is trying to get you to buy their product by stating that you can’t take Allegra, their competition, with juice.  I know this is not a food product, but I thought this commercial demonstrated such a great point I had to share it. 

I went home to visit my parents in Indiana this past Sunday and my mother asked me about this commercial and if the statements were true about Allegra.  Yes, the box clearly states that you should not take Allegra with fruit juices or antacids.  However, I think it is interesting that the Zyrtec label states that you should not consume alcohol while taking their product.   Hmmmm….I don’t think that would be a toss up for most consumers. 

I wonder how many consumers just saw that commercial and automatically switched products?  Does anyone read labels anymore?  Before switching brands or trying a new product just because of something that you have seen on tv do your research first!  Marketing experts are smart and want you to believe everything they say and buy their products.  Sometimes things are true, but that doesn’t mean that other truths aren’t left out of the message. 

Whether food or pharmacological it is always important to read the label and find out what you are actually putting in your body!

{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }

Jeni Lowe April 5, 2011 at 8:17 pm

Great post! :) <3 you!


Joe April 6, 2011 at 12:05 am

How is it a misconception to identify a label warning attribute on a competitor’s product? Doing so doesn’t require them to point out all factual label differences between the products. Nothing that they say is technically false or misleading.

This case is not nearly as offensive as many others, including the recent deceptive advertising claim against POM for claiming unsubstantiated health benefits. See http://www.ftc.gov/opa/2010/09/pom.shtm


Brooke April 7, 2011 at 12:30 am

Hey Joe, It isn’t! It is a misconception for consumers to believe everything they see on tv without checking food or drug labels for themselves. You’re such a lawyer :)

P.S. Thanks for posting the POM link!


Joe April 7, 2011 at 12:37 am

Brooker, I totally agree. I think you make a great overall point that advertising doesn’t provide a complete overview of a product and that it is important for people to be informed so that they can make independent, unbiased decisions for themselves. I love playing devil’s advocate with you, and I think that your best asset is that you put a strong emphasis on scientifically-based decisions.

Sorry to be such a negative Nancy. I think I need a vacation :-)


Joe April 7, 2011 at 12:39 am

Food labeling reform is also a controversial topic about which I hope to learn more. See, e.g., http://www.cspinet.org/new/pdf/food_labeling_chaos_report.pdf


kelly April 8, 2011 at 7:32 pm

I find it interesting they are TELLING people to read the label……had people done that during the H1N1 scam with the President and Kathleen Sebelius telling pregnant women to get their shot EVEN in their first trimester……those women who miscarried….and there were many…..they might have avoided the shot…the label read….do not give to pregnant women…..I hope this gets people reading labels and taking responsibility for their health…..most doctors don’t read the inserts……they simply sell the product the big boobed blond was pushing after her weekend sales seminar…….


Brooke April 9, 2011 at 6:29 pm

Hi Kelly, Where have you seen this information? Are you referring to the shot or nasal spray? The nasal spray vaccine is not recommended during a women’s pregnancy, because it contains a live virus.


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