BOO! Five Ways Dr. Oz Scares Me!!!

by Brooke on October 29, 2013

Post image for BOO!  Five Ways Dr. Oz Scares Me!!!

Halloween is almost upon us and it is not Freddy, Jason, or Chucky that are giving me nightmares this year. It is Dr. Oz!  Of course, I want to support anyone that helps Americans take steps toward improving their health and quality of life.  However, I have a hard time supporting the nutrition misinformation provided just to sell a product or increase TV ratings.

Here are five ways Dr. Oz scares me:

1.  Everything is a miracle food!  Dr. Oz loves talking about the next big miracle food and how it can cure everything from a cold to cancer.  Unfortunately, there is no one miracle food!  The position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics states that, “the total diet or overall pattern of food eaten is the most important focus of a healthful eating style.”  One or two single foods or ingredients should not be the main focus of anyone’s diet in order to promote overall health or prevent chronic diseases.

2.  Countless weight loss product endorsements.  Remember, Raspberry Ketones?  Here is just one example of a weight loss product Dr. Oz introduced as revolutionary metabolism booster.  This show feels more like a late night infomercial with all the weight loss products that are trying to be sold as the next big thing.

3.  He is not the (great and powerful) OZ who knows all.  He is a cardiologist.  So, why does he pretend to be a nutrition expert?  No one person can know everything about nutrition and most doctors don’t have a great (or even good) background in this specific area.  Why?  Because they didn’t go to school to get a B.S. in Dietetics and an M.S. in Nutritional Sciences.  It is a completely separate educational path and career (see registered dietitian).

4.  Gimmicks increase TV ratings not the truth.  Sad, but true.  No TV show can survive with segments talking about increasing your vegetable intake, getting active, and obtaining adequate sleep.  The truth is boring.  Gimmicks and fad diets on the other hand get people talking, because everyone likes quick fixes.  The problem is gimmicks don’t work they just increase ratings.  Want to read more about gimmicks and fad diets check out, “What puts the FAD in Fad Diets?

5.  Dr. Oz isn’t your primary care physician.  At this point, I think most individuals have heard the phrase, “but Dr. Oz said.”  Dr. Oz may inspire you to go get a colonoscopy or start working out, but that doesn’t mean that you should take his advice over your own primary care physician (PCP) or registered dietitian (RD) for that matter.  Your PCP knows your personal medical history and will be able to recommend a preventive or treatment plan that is individualized for you.  A one size fits all approach that you hear on TV may not necessarily be the best option for you.  Just remember before starting any kind of weight loss or medical treatment plan please consult your PCP first.




{ 9 comments… read them below or add one }

Joanna Dietrich, RD, LD October 31, 2013 at 5:39 pm

Love this post and the cartoon! I’m so sick of hearing about Dr. Oz’s latest recommendations!


Brooke November 13, 2013 at 7:38 pm

Thanks for leaving a comment Joanna! Yes, I agree :)


Darci DeHaven November 4, 2013 at 3:46 pm

I agree, and I feel the same way about his daughter Daphne who is on The Chew. I don’t think being Dr. Oz’s daughter qualifies someone to give nutritional advice…


Brooke November 13, 2013 at 7:42 pm

Hi Darci,

No, but money might…


Ashley @ The Fresh Beet November 9, 2013 at 4:55 am

Love this post! I can’t tell you how many people and patients of mine rave about Dr. Oz, and it drives me nuts. His nutritional advice is furthering our society’s confusion of what it means to eat healthy.


Brooke November 13, 2013 at 7:49 pm

Hi Ashley,

It is very upsetting. The problem is consumers keep searching out these unhealthy “quick fixes,” so companies and individuals keep supplying them to make a profit.


Karen Moore RD, CNSC January 20, 2014 at 5:44 pm

Just turned on Dr Oz show (1/20/14). Had an RD talking about “acid and alkaline” forming foods. I am showing my age, but I remember when I started practicing…30ish yrs. ago we were calling the “Alkaline/Ash diet” a fad. The end message (more green veggies, more non-animal proteins, more fruit, less grain, refined grains) isn’t really new. My guess is that if you market it as NEW, put it in a different package, it might grab the attention of a few more converts. What was really scary, was the second segment where he reviewed foods that might increase inflammation within the body. One suggestion was to avoid spice mixes (like taco seasoning) and mix your own (OK I buy that…) he had a “kit” that he showed with I think tumeric, black pepper, and then garlic SALT!!! OUCH, he said garlic, but if a consumer just got the visual they would be purchasing a substitute just as high in salt as the “mix”. Just a little thing, but….same episode he admitted having suggested Agave as a sweetner, but now he has changed to Maple syrup…so clearly he is capable of creating as much confusion out there as the infommercials…As long as no one brings back the “SIPPY” diet I guess I can continue working, but it is getting tough b/c hospitalized patients think that RDs just don’t know the “new stuff”, and we don’t keep up… bless all of you who are just entering practice!!!


Brooke January 27, 2014 at 6:47 pm

Hi Karen,

Thanks for leaving a comment! These fad diets seem to return just like some bad fashion trends do. The best advice for both is to just stick with the basics :)


Francesca April 3, 2014 at 12:15 pm

6. My family still believes him over me! #DietitianProblems. Thanks for the laugh :)


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