The New Year’s Cleanse

by Brooke on January 7, 2014

Over coffee and great conversation with friends this past Saturday, the buzz word of the table seemed to be “cleanse.”   Everyone loves talking about how they are going to go on a cleanse diet or eating plan in the New Year!  Which by the way, I hate the word “cleanse.”

Eating healthy is not a “cleanse” that you do a few times a year and miraculously get the healthy body you want.  Healthy eating is a lifestyle!  It takes a lot of effort and dedication.   I like to look at healthy eating with 80/20 vision.  Eighty percent of the time you consume balanced meals, eat your vegetables, drink water, and skip the junk food.  BUT twenty percent of the time you enjoy your favorite foods in moderation.   If you follow this healthy eating pattern, you can still enjoy the holidays without feeling like you need a so-called “cleanse” afterwards.

If you want a New Year’s cleanse (not really it is just healthy eating) follow these simple healthy eating rules:

1)  Skip the booze.

2) Drink only water!

3) Fill half your plate at lunch and dinner with vegetables.

4) Don’t eat meat larger than the palm of your hand.  For men, with large hands (you know who you are) go with half of your palm.

5) “Coffee’s for closers.”

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Emily January 7, 2014 at 8:06 pm

Don’t forget that your internal organs “cleanse” your body everyday!


Brooke January 7, 2014 at 8:25 pm

Good point Emily!


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