COFFEE: Drink or Dessert?

by Brooke on July 22, 2013

Post image for COFFEE:  Drink or Dessert?

Coffee can be a very wonderful and satisfying drink to have in the morning!  Black, brown, skinny, caramel….might be words you are used to saying when ordering that morning cup.  However, coffee can also be made in a way that it becomes dessert.  All the extras you might be putting in your coffee at home or at the nearest coffeehouse can add up quickly!   If you are trying to lose weight or maintain weight start being mindful of what you are flavoring your coffee with by checking the nutrition facts labels. Reading labels is the quickest way to determine if that cup is a drink or dessert!

Here is a quick guide to help you determine how many calories you are adding to your coffee.  I used one tablespoon for this comparison chart.  However, depending on your serving size the calories could be more or less.   Nutrition facts can be found on creamer, milk, sugar labels, etc or you can look them up at the USDA National Nutrient Database website.

Coffee Extras  Calories Fat (g)
Sugar, granulated 16 0
Flavored Syrup 40 0
Half & Half 20 1.72
Half & Half, fat-free 17 0.41
Heavy Whipping Cream 52 5.55
Flavored Liquid Creamer 38 2.02
Powered Creamer 33 2.13
SILK plain soymilk 6.25 0.25
Almond Breeze Vanilla (30calories/serving) 1.88 0.15
2% Milk 7.81 0.29

What’s in your order?

Whether you like getting caffeinated at Starbucks, Dunkin’ Donuts or another coffeehouse you can check the online nutrition facts to help determine if your beverage is a drink or dessert?  Some of those Espresso drinks can add up to the amount of calories in a piece of chocolate cake.    So, unless it is your birthday check those nutrition facts out before you sip 😉

(Photo Source)

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