December 2011

New Year’s Resolution: The President’s Challenge

Thumbnail image for New Year’s Resolution:  The President’s Challenge

Do you remember taking the The President’s Challenge in school growing up?  This physical fitness test was developed in the 1960s to assess the fitness of the American youth.   I could do the flexed-arm hang like it was my job, but could never do a pull-up (at least I don’t remember doing one).  I don’t believe in New […]


Opportunity Cost of Holiday Eating

Thumbnail image for Opportunity Cost of Holiday Eating

We should be all aware of one of the main concepts of economics…Opportunity Cost.  This term is defined as, the cost of any activity measured in terms of the value of the best alternative that is not chosen (that is foregone).  Opportunity cost can also be applied to other choices that are not monetary or material […]


CMS Ruling On Obesity Coverage

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently made a ruling that Medicare will now cover obesity counseling services.  The good news is that CMS recognizes that obesity is a medical condition that should be covered!   The bad news is that only the patients’ primary care provider will be covered to provide obesity counseling services. What does that mean…you […]


Buddy the Elf knows his food groups…Do You?

I love the movie Elf!   It always makes me giggle   Buddy the Elf knows his food groups and always tries to incorporate them into all of his meals.  In the movie, he said, “We elves try to stick to the four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corns and syrup.”  How come Buddy the Elf knows […]