July 2011

A Plot To Call My Own

Thumbnail image for A Plot To Call My Own

I was in Minneapolis, MN last weekend visiting a close friend of mine.  While on a walk, we saw two small corn plots in a front yard.  Being from Indiana and both growing up amongst corn and soybean fields, we were excited to see corn growing outside its normal setting. This got me thinking….why aren’t more […]


Should obese children be placed in foster care?

Thumbnail image for Should obese children be placed in foster care?

A recent commentary entitled, “State Intervention in Life-Threatening Childhood Obesity” was printed in the The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).   I was shocked when I read this commentary!  How we go from “oh obesity is a problem” to “holy s***…we need to put children in foster care to protect their health and well-being.”    The article […]



Hydration status is very important, especially during the summer!  One great indicator for assessing hydration status is the color of your urine.  I know it may be gross, but one of the best ways to measure the quality and quantity of what you put in your body is to check out what comes out.  The […]


Why are Americans FAT?

Thumbnail image for Why are Americans FAT?

I asked some of my tweeps this question and got the following answers: Over-sized portions Lack of exercise Too many high calorie beverages Outrageous portions Lack of fruits and vegetables Work overload Stress Eat too much and move too little Don’t eat enough whole foods Eat out too often I don’t think there is one […]